Show notes:
“Hello Everyone, Ben Harris here, president with Production Solutions, today we’re kicking off a series called “5 Self Innovation Tips in five minutes” and we’re going to build these out over the course of the next few weeks. We will go a little bit deeper into the five tips, today is just an overview of the five tips that really are key to helping with self innovation and going deeper inside of yourself, and bring out more of your gifts and your talents, and finding some resilience and maybe some inspiration to spark some energy as we continue to go down the homestretch here (hopefully) of this pandemic and being in isolation and working from home, so here we go:
Starting today, not reaching for the cell phone right away, but before you even get out of bed just having something that grounds you, sort of starts you in the right mood, in the right mindset. For example, something I’ve been using lately is “Today I will inspire and uplift others in all that I do.” or something like “Who needs my A-game today and what will that look like?”. Bring that person to mind and really think about that before you put your feet on the ground as you get out of bed. So number one, having a daily intention or daily Mantra.
So, really getting clearer with your “why”. Maybe doing some journaling maybe talking to someone close to you about it, and why you do what you do, what makes you feel really good about that and doing some work around a deeper understanding of the contributions that you make for your company, for your family, for your community, and even the greater world, if you will. There’s a great book out there called “Life’s Great Question” by Tom Rath. I would highly consider checking it out.
There are so many great articles and benefits to journaling especially first thing in the morning after your daily intention. Journal on your purpose – there is so much positive science about starting with gratitude and grounding yourself in that each day, writing down some of your big goals and dreams, so writing it down is really key. It helps you get out of your head, get it down on paper then it’s a signal to your subconscious that you’re really serious about making these things happen. And then adding to spoken word, where you actually start to share some of the things that really matter to you or what you’re going for, or something you want to change in your life or you’d love some support with. From a mentor, or family member, or a colleague that you trust – but adding those two together is key.
We’re all on this rollercoaster ride right now. Some weeks are better than others, some days are better than others. I know for me personally I just realized that I have some lower weeks and some higher weeks, and a lot of it just depends on what’s going on at home, what’s going on with the pandemic. It’s a lot and it’s heavy, and sometimes it’s overwhelming, so having this notion of really starting to understand the ebbs and flows of our emotions, and how to be more agile, how to be more sort of friendly, maybe even loving, with ourselves. There’s some great research and TED talks, and a book called “Emotional Agility” by Susan David. I would highly recommend diving into her work and checking out how she walks you through emotional agility.
What I mean by that is not necessarily someone at work, or someone in the Marvel Avengers movies, which I love, but finding somebody who is really doing some great work online. Someone with a podcast, and books, or articles, and really starting to model your life and model the way you want to live and show up after that individual. That’s what we need – to find people who are drawing us forward and especially in the more isolated instances, in a time where there’s so many great leaders and great content out there. Modeling yourself after somebody that you really look up to that has similar values to you, and having two or three people at the same time, and absorbing all that content helps us really then manifest a lot of the ways that they are in the world and what they do, and the impact they’re having.
I will include in the show notes here, a great recipe for starting the day off with some fruits and vegetables. Use some liquids to get your mind in the right space, your body in the right space, getting into vegetables and having something green start the day, it’s really easy, makes you feel better. So I hope these were helpful and look forward to going deeper into each one of these in the coming weeks and I thank you for being a great partner to PS, and all that you’re doing in the world to make our society, and world, a better place. Take care and be well.”
8 to 16 ounces coconut water or filtered water (or fresh green juice)
1 stalk celery (with leaves)
1 cup kale or spinach (including stalk)
1 cup parsley or A few mint leaves
1/2 to 1 cup pineapple or nectarine or green apple or kiwi
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1/2 inch piece fresh ginger
1 small handful of ice
Place all ingredients in a high powered blender and mix until smooth.
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