We all must pan for gold in the inundation of great content that’s out there.
I was on a flight to L.A. last weekend, so I planned ahead and packed a stack of nonprofit and direct marketing industry publications that have been piling up on the side of my desk over the past few months. Year-end 2013 and the beginning of 2014 has been a busy time at PS Digital with on-boarding new clients, refining the PS Digital service offerings and ramping-up our team of experts. I knew there were lots of interesting and information-rich articles to read, but every time I attempted to pick up a publication and dive in, something pressing redirected my attention. So, this trip I promised myself that I would finally get caught up…and I did.
I know I am not alone in being behind in my “continuing self-education:” keeping current with the colossal amount of valuable content out there – whether it is in printed journals and magazines, or online blogs and newsletters. I don’t know about you, but I am literally inundated with content.
Content marketing is our friend – and our enemy. The volume is overwhelming and yet, those times you put it off, you have relief knowing that when you have to shut off and focus on the work at hand, rest assured, there will be another article or similar blog post coming in the next few days. However, there are those articles or posts that stand out as so unique, that if missed or delayed may determine the difference between falling behind or staying ahead of the curve in knowing what your clients, colleagues – or competitors – are doing, thinking, wanting or needing.
The best solution to the problem is not to give it up altogether or fall too far behind, but rather, to hone your “filter” and sift through all that content in order to find the gold nuggets (not the gravel) that matter most to your mission or bottom line.
Here are some gold nuggets (a.k.a. important industry trends) I discovered while sifting through recent publications on my trip…
So, to all of my industry colleagues who are so generous with their knowledge and took the time to write these wonderful articles, I thank you. I am sorry it took me so long to get caught up. I promise that I won’t let the sheer volume paralyze me again.
To the rest of my readers, join me in making the commitment to dedicate 10 – 15 minutes a day to keep up with what’s going on in our industry and the emerging trends. It’s not only good for business, but if you consider it homework in “continuing self-education,” you will be a better professional for it.
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