“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” Mister Rogers
During times of crisis, we often see the best and the worst of people. What is happening right now with COVID-19 is no exception. While there have been stories of people hoarding supplies and trying to take advantage of this situation, my social media feed has been overwhelmed with the positive stories of those living through this worldwide event. Whether it be stories of the brave men and women on the front lines in our healthcare industry, or neighborhood dance parties while social distancing, the stories coming from around the world show us that humans know how to show up for each other when it counts. And our industry has risen to the challenges with grace and a helping hand.
I, like many of you, have sat in on webinars hosted and led by the best and the brightest that fundraising has to offer. I have listened to podcasts, read newsletters and talked to industry partners. I have been impressed by the willingness of our industry to share the wealth of knowledge that we possess to help non-profits cope with the sudden and overwhelming challenge of helping more and more people in need. Thank you for sharing with the industry so openly and for being willing to help, to inspire and to reassure in these trying times.
I also want to applaud and thank the people who make direct mail happen – our manufacturing partners, logistics providers and the United States Postal Service. Without them, the direct mail industry grinds to halt. Every day these workers perform their jobs with new risks, new self-protection guidelines and new challenges. They make it possible not only for PS to continue working but for the non-profit industry as a whole to keep fundraising, in order to keep helping others.
Challenge yourself to find a place where you too can be a helper. Whether it be as part of this industry, part of your neighborhood or even a part of your household, we all need help and we all need to be helpers.
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