For the past six weeks, you have been hearing from subject matter experts on ways that you can find savings in your mailings by making a few changes to your creative and postal strategy From formats...
The Postal Service filed new rates with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) for Market Dominant Rate Changes, and these rate changes will officially go into effect on Sunday, August 29, 2021 While...
In an increasingly digital era, direct mail still thrives! Why Because the mail catches the attention more effectively of almost every household, unlike emails which can be easily ignored, social...
Another great round of Cost Savings Tips to share with you is here – this time around Postage! With the upcoming postal rate increases going into effect on August 29th, it may be a good time to...
Welcome back to our new Cost Savings Blog Series! Last week we kicked off the series with 3 tips to save money with paper stock changes Next up in our cost savings series INK! And how you can make...
By now you’ve surely heard all of the brouhaha surrounding the paper market, coated papers in particular, and if you haven’t heard, I’d like a spot next to you under that rock...