We take production strategy to a new level at PS This is even more important when planning your annual renewal programs You want to ensure we know everything you are trying to do, the way your...
Paper, labor, transportation shortages…oh my! I am sure you are well-aware of these nation-wide economic challenges that are impacting the direct mail supply chain and leading to not only...
Starting on about October 1, the service standards for First Class letters, postcards, flat envelopes, parcels and some periodicals are expected to change The Postal Service shared that this...
UPDATE 9/20/2021 – ALL POST OFFICE LOCATIONS ARE NOW OPEN ============================== PS wishes nothing but safety and security to those caught in the path of Hurricane Ida USPS branches in...
Scene: Your home office, Zoom call number nine-hundred and sixty-three billion… DM team: Let’s mail a back-end premium! You: Great! We’ll need to talk ab- DM team: How quickly can...
For the past six weeks, you have been hearing from subject matter experts on ways that you can find savings in your mailings by making a few changes to your creative and postal strategy From formats...