The world around us speeds up and waits for no one What was once considered complex processes can now be accomplished with the tap of a finger or a click of a mouse Because of this, fundraisers...
PS is working hard for you, whipping your programs into shape! We’ve got you covered – take your program to the next level with these production experts We create solutions each day to...
Soha Manalai, Accounts Receivable Specialist on the Accounting Team for PS, is impossible to defeat Soha’s powerful story was recently put into words in the new book, Indomitable! Immigrants’...
Before an envelope or flatwork goes to print, it is critical to have a proof as part of the process Even though there is a cost to proofing, the confidence that the proof matches the client’s...
Trends in direct mail fundraising come and go every year One year it was personalized notepads The year before that, it was Auto-Pen personalization Still, another was Mini-Notecards Some trends...
You have heard it countless times … personalization is key in direct mail Adding additional personalization to your mail can allow you to not only connect to your donors with additional data...