We all remember the old “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” slogan from years ago with its ubiquitous tri-arrow logo But did you ever wonder why “REDUCE” was the first of those three options It’s not...
As we move closer to July 2024, significant changes are on the horizon for postal rates and incentives Here is what you need to know to understand these adjustments and how to strategize effectively...
As we engaged with our clients throughout our Client Listening Tour in 2023, recurring themes emerged regarding both clients’ immediate and future needs Ben Harris, President, and Leigh Janis,...
A Year of Insights Direct mail is both growing in cost AND continues to be a fundraising powerhouse, so it is paramount that nonprofits continue to invest in this critical communication channel...
As a part of my job here at PS, I am exposed to a LOT of mail And one of my favorite job responsibilities is to share a monthly testing PowerPoint deck we call “Michelle’s Mailbox” ...
Virtually lunching with a colleague and dear friend recently, chatting about all things life and work, I was suddenly struck by a trait she and I have in common: hyper-independence A buzzy word that...