PS sat down with Michele Rosenberger, Senior Sourcing Manager, to get the low-down on envelopes and all that you need to know about them for a successful campaign. Check out this quick but informative Q&A with Michele, a Resource/Production Expert:
MR: There are some standard sizes for envelopes such as #10, #9, 9 x 12, 6 x 9. If using these types of envelopes, they can be more easily accessible and require less turn time from printing to delivery. Typically, a standard envelope can get you a better price-point than a non-standard size, so time and cost will be an advantage.
MR: The maximum size/measurements that the USPS allows to mail at letter rates (single 1st class stamp) is 11 ½ inch length and 6 1/8 inch height.
For a standard letter size envelope we would say a #14 (5 x 11 ½) would be your max length and a 6 x 9 would get you a max height.
MR: The minimum size/measurements that the USPS allows to mail at letter rates is a 5 inch length and a 3 ½ inch height.
For a standard envelope size, it would be a A2 (4 3/8 x 5 ¾) for length and #6 ¼ (3 ½ x 6) or #6 ½ (3 ½ x 6 ¼) for height.
MR: The main rule for windows is that you need at least a minimum of ½” from the side and bottom to ensure acceptable room for the window patch to be attached to the envelope. Windows can come in all shapes and sizes, and can be placed on the front and/or back of the envelope. You can even do a custom window design/shape or multiple windows.
Be sure to check out our standard Envelope Size Chart here, to learn more:
If you have any questions about our Envelope Size chart, or about envelopes in general, don’t hesitate to reach out to your PS contact!
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