This is the sixth blog in a series exploring postal success strategies for nonprofit organizations.
When optimizing your direct mail strategy for success, don’t miss simple cost-savings and quality control tactics that can be applied and leveraged for maximum return to your direct mail campaigns.
Be sure to download our Postal Success Checklist to explore more quality assurance fundamentals and cost-saving ideas.
Test cost-effective formats: Switching from flat rate to letter rate, such as using a slimline calendar instead of a full-sized one, saves postage and helps your mail stand out.
Thorough quality checks: A thorough quality check, even for repeat mailings, can save time and money and prevent issues down the line. For example, mailpieces nearing a quarter-inch require extra attention to ensure they meet the requirements for your desired postal product and will not require extra postage.
Reply Envelope strategy: Consider testing Business Reply Envelopes (BREs) to explore potential cost savings without affecting response rates.
Mail Class types: Many nonprofits are considering shifting from USPS First-Class postage to Marketing Mail. While this offers savings, consider its impact on delivery speed, especially with timely year-end appeals. Keep in mind that Marketing Mail isn’t forwarded or returned without additional fees. First-Class does offer this service without additional costs and is ideal for personalized content and segmented donor lists.
Before making any adjustments, take into consideration your donors’ experience. Testing provides the insight needed to make the best decision for your program. Make sure you’re also following up-to-date USPS guidelines to avoid any extra costs and delays in the mailings.
These are just a few examples of the quality assurance steps and cost-saving ideas you gain when partnering with Production Solutions. Download our free white paper, the Checklist for Postal Success, to learn more about maximizing your direct mail strategy.
Contact us today for more information