We all remember the old “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” slogan from years ago with its ubiquitous tri-arrow logo. But did you ever wonder why “REDUCE” was the first of those three options? It’s not just because it makes the tagline alliteratively […]
We all remember the old “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” slogan from years ago with its ubiquitous tri-arrow logo. But did you ever wonder why “REDUCE” was the first of those three options? It’s not just because it makes the tagline alliteratively […]
The stewardship of our environment, communities, and planet is an absolute priority to most; therefore, sustainable business practices are simply a MUST in today’s world. If you ever lose sleep worrying that your direct mail campaign could be harming the […]
Transforming your mailing program into a LEAN, GREEN, MACHINE has many benefits! These key strategies will give your campaigns a tune-up and keep them running at peak efficiency. The following strategies will allow you to not only reduce your carbon […]
We all love direct mail because of its effectiveness as a tool for nonprofit organizations to acquire and retain relationships with advocates and donors. At PS our vision is a world more inspired to give, which is why we’ve spent […]
In 1970, Gaylord Nelson, a junior senator from Wisconsin, Pete McCloskey, a Republican Congressman and Denis Hayes, a young activist, organized campus “teach-ins” on April 22 to encourage students to think about air and water pollution. 20 million Americans were […]
There is no getting around it – in direct mail we use a LOT of paper! The good news is paper is a renewable resource, and there are many options to ensure your organization’s values on sustainability and conservation are […]