It’s like having your own personal supplier network to produce your direct mail program. Nonprofit organizations continually strive to innovate and respond to the ever-changing market dynamics. Allow us to take care of things, so you can worry less about the day-to-day logistics of your campaigns.
We alleviate the production management burden from your team. With a preferred partner network of over 100 suppliers, we will source for any and every product or service you can dream up.
This includes managing a full range of data processing services, following all best practices when it comes to security and data integrity. We use customized sourcing strategies to select personalization and lettershop technology in order to accomplish your goals and maximize the data available.
At PS, we thoroughly analyze your existing mailings in order to take advantage of technology that would provide production and postage efficiencies, ganging opportunities, bulk buying or program-based pricing. Our passion lies in providing a cost-effective solution for every product and service need, as well as the security of having contingency plans for our contingency plans. And, if the shoe fits, we’ll integrate our online strategies into your direct mail program as well.
An extensive network of expert suppliers spread across the country and overseas allows us to produce nearly any print job you’re looking for.
Our Supplier Relations Team exists to reduce the worry of problems arising when producing your mailing by ensuring we partner with the most financially stable and reliable supplier partners. Through our stringent, well-defined qualification and onboarding process, our SR Team conducts quarterly business reviews and check-in protocols, so that we have fine-tuned best practices on both sides of the relationship. Our accredited suppliers are required to share information on their financial stability, data security protocols, quality control procedures, and overall redundancy and sustainability.